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Measuring Your Area

Easy Lawn Size Calculator

Square or Rectangle

Multiply Length and Width

Length x Width = Area

12 x 24 = 288 sq. ft.

Right Triangle

Multiply the two sides that contact the right angle and divide by 2

Length x Width ÷ 2 = Area

12 x 24 = 288 ÷ 2 = 144 sq.ft.

Circle, 1/2 Circle, 1/4 Circle

(Radius x Radius) x 3.14 = Area

6 x 6 = 36 x 3.14 = 113 sq.ft.

Half Circle divide by 2

6 x 6 = 36 x 3.14 = 113 ÷ 2 = 56.5 sq.ft.

Quarter Circle divide by 4

6 x 6 = 36 x 3.14 = 113 / 4 = 28.25 sq.ft.

How to use a Lawn Size Calculator

You are getting ready to put in a new yard and you need sod, but how much sod do you need? Figuring out how much sod you need is an important step in your Utah lawn’s sod installation process, but it can be a daunting task when you first think about it. By using our sod calculator for your Utah lawn’s measurements and reading some of our tips and tricks above you will be able to easily and accurately calculate how much sod you need for your project.

When you are calculating how much sod your Utah lawn need really all you need is a calculator and a measuring tape. This is your “lawn size calculator”. If you don’t have the greatest memory (like most of us) a pencil and paper can come in handy too.

First look at your yard or area and divide it into sections. The easiest place to start is to find your biggest rectangle or square. Take the measurements of the length and the width and times them together to get the total of square feet for that area.

You will continue to do this lawn size measurement technique through out your entire yard or area, dividing it up into squares and rectangles to find the total square feet for each section.

If you have circle areas instead of square areas this is where it can be trickier to use our sod calculator for your Utah lawn’s size measurement. Follow our calculations above and you will be able to quickly find the area of your circle shape and get the information you need before sod installation begins. Regardless if your area is a full circle or half a circle you will still need to find the radius of your circle.

The radius is the distance from the middle of your circle to the edge of your circle. Once you have that number you can find the total square feet you need.

Once you have the total square feet of each of your sections the last step is to add them all together. This will give you the grand total of the amount of sod you will need to complete your project. It really is that simple!

When you know how much sod you need with our Utah sod calculator go to our request a quote form and we will let you know how much your project is going to cost. When your sod is installed make sure you check out our Sod Care Tips page for great suggestions on how to keep your lawn looking beautiful for years to come.

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Get In Touch

(801) 525-1751


[email protected]


P.O. Box 606
Layton, Utah 84041

We have 4 Sod Farms!

All of our Sod Farms are located along the Wasatch Front. We service Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Morgan, and Cache Counties. If you live outside of these areas still feel free to request a quote or contact us and we will let you know if we can fulfill your order.

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